Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Does every post need a title?

So, I try to have something to tell Violet every morning when I'm waking her up. It makes it easier to get her moving if she has something to look forward to (she's tough to get moving). Yesterday I said "wake up Violet, Mom is going to the dentist today " She sat right up and said "oh, because you're feelings are hurt"? I swear she hears EVERYTHING. She also told me in her sweetest voice "Mom, you're my bess fend eber" Then a little while later she called me a "dumb ask" LOL Paul calls her a sour patch kid...first she's sweet, then she's sour.

Dexter is grumpy the past few days. Well, grumpy for him. I think he's teething, Paul thinks it's because he hasn't pooped for 3 days. We'll see I guess! Here's a picture of the brothers. So cute. Dalton was talking to Dexter tonight and Dex was staring at him and smiling and talking right back to him. I wish I'd have had the camera out!

Dalton is doing good. He is such a big help around here. He's into rugby right now. He bought his own ball with his allowance and he has a bunch of kids playing at lunch and is teaching them the rules. He just got a new paintball gun too. He's looking to accessorize it right now. I'm so glad his older brother Andrew includes him in so much stuff. They seem to have a great relationship and Dalton really looks up tohim.

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