Monday, February 27, 2012

Dexter's Blessing

We blessed Dexter in church yesterday. Which was also my birthday. Paul was able to do the blessing, the first of his kids that he has blessed and the first of mine to be blessed at church. (I think) We knew Paul's Dad would have been especially proud of him. Paul's family came to church and I was so happy to have all of my family and his at our house after. It's always so crowded when we do something but it's worth it to have everyone here. Nicole and Solvaye were here too, my only 2 friends who go to church. The sun was out so all the kids were able to go out and play in the backyard.

Lynn & Alex got away before we could get them in the picture.,

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

3 Months

I snapped these pictures around 10 pm on the 20th, the day Dexter was 3 months old. This kid is fascinated with his fists. they are always in his mouth and he gets mad at them like he wishes they would go in farther or something.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Dad Stuff

Last night Paul gave Dexter a bath for the first time. He tries to tell me he's no good at it but I made him anyway.

This morning we finally got some snow. Violet has a cute snow suit and I bought her a snow shovel a few weeks ago. I didn't think she would get to use it this year. I'm so glad it was Sunday morning because she got to go out with Dad. Sunday is Dad's day. He gives me a good break and hangs out with Violet all day.

Violet kept trying to shovel the grass. That kid cracks me up.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

First Laugh

Dexter laughed for the first time yesterday. Grandma Birrell was holding him and talking to him when he started. I came over to check it out and he stopped of course. He laughed again later at home and he has been laughing at me this morning again. Super cute.

I took this picture because he was grabbing his toys for the first time the day before yesterday too. I didn't get there in time to get it though. 

Grandma Holdaway came over to babysit tonight while Paul and I went to meeting and dinner. These are the kids before she came over. 

This is the scene when we got home. (we flipped on the light to get a picture and blinded grandma, sorry) Too cute not to get a picture though.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day

I didn't want a bunch of candy around the house because I just started weight watchers, so I made these cute sayings.

Violet with her chocolate kiss...

and Dalton with his.

We didn't give Dexter any.

Me and the little kids spent Valentines with G & G Birrell. It was a great day. Violet got to hang out with Grandpa in the shop for the first time. Those are the times that make great memories. Lynn came over for a while while Alex went to work. He's learning how to manage his diabetes like a trooper. After work Alex came and hung out too. Sometimes all the kids and chaos makes me want to flip out but at the end of the day, my very favorite thing is being with my family.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

You're Amazing!

......and other funny stuff Violet says.

Tonight she said Mom, I just wiped off your kiss, do you still love me?

She always tell us we're AMAZING. I don't know where she got that one.

She calls me honey all the time.

I like it when she tries to mix up her swear words  Holy B#&ch, Oh my Sh@t. I know I shouldn't laugh. We try to get her to say son of a nutcracker instead like buddy the elf.

I'm going to have to write them down more often I can't remember them while I sit here.

Oh yeah, Paul has her singing some old song his dad used to sing, I'd kiss her BUT....she won't let me.

She told me the other day  Don't give me no lip!

When Dexter cries she'll go,  my baby is crying too. And I'll say, are you going to take care of her? And she'll say, no.

Friday, February 10, 2012


I just found out that Lynn is in the hospital and has been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. I want to share but not on facebook. I'm waiting for Violet to wake up from her nap so I can go over to the hospital. He's going to be there for a couple days. I know him and Alex will get through this together and he will learn how to manage it, but I'm still so sad for him. No matter how old they get, they are still your babies.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Bath Time

Look at Dexter smile at his sister!!

Whenever we tell Violet to smile she does this....

....or this. 

Best Pals

Maia came over for a little while to play. She's five. Her and Violet do good for about 2 hours then they start to fight. They are best pals....2 hours at a time

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

This one?

"Violet, turn off that light please" ....
"this one"?

"Violet, pick up the crayons please"....
"my crayons"?

"yes Violet".

Monday, February 6, 2012

Size 3

Dexter moved up a size in diapers today. So cliche' but they grow so fast! He is such a happy kid. I didn't write down the day of his first smile but he hasn't stopped since. He's not picky either...He will smile at anyone. He doesn't love binky's, and he hardly ever complains. Pretty much only when he's hungry. What a blessing!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

I have a potty mouth

And so does Violet.

We had a little get together for the superbowl (I don't want to capitalize the word superbowl) today and Violet showed off her extensive swear word vocabulary. It was cute and funny at first. Then I was embarrassed (because I taught her most of them) and then a little sad. They are perfect mimics at this age. Gonna have to work on that one. Darn it!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

It's time

So, instead of looking at pinterest anymore, I'm starting this blog. I'm not a writer. I am a mother who wants to remember more of her kids childhoods. Of course I wish I had started sooner. Like....20 years ago when Lynn was born would have been nice! Haha. But here we go.

This is Dexter. He is 11 weeks old tomorrow. Pretty cute right? We (me and paul) didn't think we could make one of these.
This one is Violet. She is 29 months old. That's 2 1/2 in case you were about to count. Also cute right?
Here we have Dalton, He's 13 and he knows he's cute.
 Lynn is the oldest. He's 20 and this is his beautiful wife Alex. I know what you're  thinking....Cute Couple right?

It's true. I have beautiful kids. But don't be jealous. They're all rotten. Just kidding.

More to come!