Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Rainy Day

 Dexter has figured out how to climb. He wants up on everything!
I found my ceramic tea set from when I was a kid. I gave it to Violet but I had her wash it before she played with it.

Super Hero Party!

Way fun. I couldn't believe how much Dexter enjoyed opening presents. He was so excited. Not just for the paper either. He was squealing at toys and books and in the picture below he is kissing his new puppy. So funny. Not so excited about his cake though. Violet was jealous. More than I expected. She did good though and I was glad she got a couple presents too. Thanks everyone!

Snow Day

Dalton and Violet went out a few days after the first big snowstorm. What a great big brother he is. He is so mature but he still loves to go out and play in the snow. Perfect. Dexter wanted to go out so bad! Next time little guy.

1 year

A year goes by quick. How do I sum up the love I feel for this little boy? He is so sweet and gentle. Lately he is finding his voice though. He has the best squeal when he gets excited. He knows how to get his point across but the next minute he has a smile. He just started kissing. The best kind of baby kisses with his mouth open and sometimes his tongue out. I love it but he won't give too many. I think he knows I'm being greedy trying to get more and more. The first word he said is ball. It sounds like "gah". He says book "ook", and dog "ogg". Most importantly though he says Mom just like "mom". Yes! He is a mamma's boy and I love it. I get him out of bed and he puts his head on my shoulder and says "ahhahhahh". When we get in the car he makes the same sing song noises every time. He just started objecting to getting in the car seat. I put him forward facing a couple weeks ago, he likes it. He looks so little in the big car seat. He never looks little anymore. He has been walking for it seems like forever now. I guess only about 6 weeks. He got snow boots and a snow pants and books for his birthday. I can't wait to see him playing in the snow. He is still nursing. Getting ready to wean him any day now. It will be hard. He doesn't eat a lot of foods yet but he will eat almost everything I give him. When he sees Dalton get a bag of Doritos out he will scream until he gets one. I give him a banana in his chair almost every morning, he wont touch it. I gave him one in the car this morning and he ate the whole thing. Little stinker. He loves his family. He gets excited when Dalton gets home from school. When he sees Violet first thing in the morning he gives her a big smile. When his Dad gets home from work he runs to the window and squeals while he watches him walk all the way in the house. What a blessing he has been to our family. Just like with all the other kids it is hard to remember life before him. He fits right in.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Carving pumpkins, Cornbelly's and Main Street

The black eye got worse before it got better. And he hates ravioli.

Look at her looking at him. She thinks he's cool

Be careful Dalton!

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It was SO COLD!!!

I should have shown how high up she was. This was a tall tractor.

Dexter fell asleep, Violet got tired, Mason and Conner are too cute

The loot...

....the brother trying to get the loot

Sunday, October 14, 2012

This is the only picture I got from the day of Violet's procedure. It's a great one though. I was so glad my Mom was able to come and be there for me and Violet. Carol was able to watch Dexter so it was just the three of us.  The teddy bear she has is from Darla, Andrew, Amber, June and Lisa. They stopped by with gifts for her the night before. It was totally unexpected and I thought that was so nice of them. I am so glad we were able to have Paul give her a blessing the night before too. Things went so smooth. She handled the sedation really well and there was no stress surrounding things. So I took this picture while I was checking in from acreoss the hall. I could hear them talking and Violet was saying some funny stuff. "Look at that lady, she looks like a daddy" "that lady is so pretty, just like Grandma Holdaway" "I don't like that lady" Violet says what she means. What a funny gal.


I don't think this kid can go a day without falling on his head. This one was a doozy though. Right on the corner of a table at Grandma's house. Usually I'm the one who says "oh he's fine" This one worried me though. I though maybe he broke his face so I took him to the doc. They said "oh he's fine" And he is.